Teppanyaki grill table | Hot tomatoes, mozzarella, olives and fresh basil on Teppanyaki

In summer, salads become very important because we crave light, refreshing foods that don't make us feel uncomfortable. This warm version of Caprese salad is the perfect solution to keep you satisfied without feeling heavy. Take fresh tomatoes, wet cheese and basil, olive oil, salt, pepper and black olives, and salt water. Don't forget to soak it in a delicious crusty bun!

Simple and quick, this recipe is a great way to start a weekend dinner or even a party. As usual, preheat your Cookakiaki teppanyaki grill table to level 5; After preheating, set it to 5.5. Drizzle and drizzle with plenty of olive oil to cover the heated cooking area. Start at the center and let go of the tomato slices.

After the tomatoes have been cooked for a few minutes, you can begin to put fresh slices of cheese on top. Then add the chopped black olives, fresh ground pepper, salt and reserved olive brine.

Reduce the heat to 2 and melt the cheese for about a minute. Now, fresh basil on top, dig again! Eat directly by the stove and engage in public activities. Everyone gets a piece (or two, three!) Bread, enjoy! A delicious appetizer.

This quick and easy dish was once served during wine harvest in northern Italy and was made with fresh, local ingredients. The ladies would set a fire and put a big iron pot over it to cook. When ready, everyone cuts a tasty piece of crusty Italian bread into small pieces, pours it into a pan and eats the tomatoes with the cheese. Finally, when everything is gone, they use the bread to absorb the remaining tasty liquid. Please enjoy!


Ingredients (3-4 persons)

4 medium sized tomatoes, thinly sliced
3 to 4 fresh cheese balls, cut into 1/4 inch slices
Fresh basil leaves, big tear
Black or kalamata olives (canned good)
2 tablespoons olive brine
Olive oil
Sea salt
Fresh pepper
Favorite artisan bread


Teppanyaki grill table | Hot tomatoes, mozzarella, olives and fresh basil on Teppanyaki